I cook, I bake, I doodle and draw, I design things. Sometimes the things I design are for me and sometimes there are for other people, sometime I get paid, sometimes I don't. I watch and I see and I have so much to say about what's going on but, unlike my teenage self, I don't often say it out loud anymore- I was such a arrogant prat as a teenager.
I buy shelves for the flat and tell myself that this time I will wait until the maintenance man comes round to put them up using a spirit level and drill because using a pillowcase and a screw driver is not the same and they will fall down. I then wait a day for the maintenance man to arrive, get impatient and put up the shelves. They are still up and look straight to me but Charlie isn't home yet and hasn't seen them so I could just be kidding myself.
I write notes. I have so many notes on cards and napkins and notepads and on my hands. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they aren't. I tell Charlie the stuff I think is funny and he usually laughs but I think it's at me and how I save up all my funny thoughts of the day for him when he gets home.

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