I have a love hate relationship with the idea/reality of having a fringe (I know, stop press, ground breaking writing going on here).
I love the slightly cutesy, girly look with a pony tail. The geek chic look with a messy bun or the slick hard fringe that frames the face along side perfectly straight, thick curtains of hair.
There is also the added bonus of it hiding a lot of your skin which as someone who's complexion still hasn't realised I'm in my mid (late) twenties, I am a huge fan of.
Experiencing a dose of the latter, my most recent foray into the world of the fringe was a few years ago. Upon waking up, slathering on foundation and concealer only to end up looking like I'd been tangoed (English rose/pale and interesting/vitamin D deficiency colouring, damn you!) I took to my locks with the kitchen scissors and cut, what I thought, was a very cute, thick fringe.
Charlie however was not a fan (it went some thing like "what the fuck have you done?!?") and after the initial two days of well behaved fringey-ness, I was inclined to agree.
I'm quite style fickle so permanent changes are often problematic, particular as I'm not overly subtle in my fashion and styling experiments.
So, having spent a sick day in bed with only Pinterest for company (shameless plug: pinterest.com/iamhollyvine for fun, pintrest.com/indowncitypvd for work) I found a nifty little trick for a cheat's fringe.
It involved a lot of flipping and pinning and initially I tried it on my bedraggled, bird's nest of sick day hair with limited success. The next day's attempt on freshly washed and very conditioned hair was much better. I think finishing it off with a flat iron and some hair spray to fix it would be the icing on the cake but the weedy American voltage and my GHDs were not cooperating and I don't have any hair spray.
You can find the photo tutorial on my 'Hair and make up' board on Pinterest

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