Spring is very tentatively starting to spring but there is still a chill in the air and, honestly, we are kidding ourselves if we really think Winter is done.
I'm among the majority of us that falter every morning in front of the wardrobe and usually plump for jeans and something black, grey, simple. My casual work place affords me the luxury of not having to wear business attire but I do like to think I choose something smart casual, something I'd be happy wearing out to a nice dinner- certainly not anything scruffy.
This fashion freedom and desperate desire to welcome Spring has prompted me to start to wear a bit more colour. Wary of looking a bit too Joseph, I'm leaning towards splashing in a bit of one colour daily, just hints and accents rather than a full on chromatic onslaught.
So far I've venture through the warm and current fashion favourite tones of yellow, coral/orange and hot pink.

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